Greetings Dearest Brothers and Sisters:
Effective January 12, 2021, the Ontario Government has declared a State of Emergency for the province. Similarly, effective 12:01 a.m. on January 14, 2021 every citizen will be subject to a Stay-at-home order by the government with few exceptions.
As always, the Church is operating under the guidance and directives of our Archdiocese and also our local government, as is directed by His Eminence. With that, the church will be closed to the public going forward until such time as the government reassesses and/or lifts these restrictions. Services will continue to be live streamed on both Facebook and our Parish website. Only Clergy and those who are serving, with the blessing of Father George, will be permitted inside the church for services or otherwise.
If you wish to serve in the Altar, please contact Father George directly. If you wish to serve as a chanter, please contact Samantha Nassar. George Boutros will be arranging ushers to assist with attending to the church doors to ensure there is no entry by members of the public.
We pray that you all stay safe and healthy during these continued unprecedented times and ask for your continued prayers also.
Yours in His Service,
Father George Dahdouh, Pastor
Samantha Nassar, Parish Council Chairperson
Church Attendance during Ontario Health Emergency