Christ is in our midst! He is and ever shall be!
Sunday School begins at 10:00 A.M. each Sunday. Children from JK to Grade 5 have their lessons from 10:00 until 10:55 after which they gather together and receive announcements and pray as a group. At approximately 11:10, these children file up to the church for the remainder of the service. The older students (Grades 6 to OTT 2) should also be arriving at church at 10:00 A.M. While Liturgy begins at 10:30, the half hour before provides an opportunity for these students to be present for Matins and to receive confession. Students in high school who require community service hours, could also use this time to help with small jobs in the Sunday School. The smaller children (JK, SK and Grade 1) along with the senior students go downstairs after receiving communion, where they are given a small snack (usually juice and cookies, muffins, or doughnuts). If parents would like to help us to provide a more healthy snack for the children, we welcome your donation. Please make sure to advise the teachers of any allergies your child may have. The senior students have their formal instruction from approximately 11:50 until 12:45. Parents of children in JK, SK and Grade 1 are expected to pick their children up promptly after liturgy finishes from their classrooms. Although we would like for all children to arrive on time in order to benefit fully from our program, we do understand that there may be times they might be late, or need to leave early. Please encourage your children to come and join their class even if it is only for a portion of the time.
If senior students must leave class early, we ask that they quietly excuse themselves rather than a parent or sibling knocking at the door, as this is less disruptive to the lesson. Children who attend regularly (50% of classes or more) will be rewarded with a special gift for their icon corner at graduation at the end of the year.
Although we charge $10 to register your child, this amount does not even cover the cost of the curriculum. The Sunday School covers its expenses through several small fundraisers (sale of pita bread, toy corner at the bazaar, etc.) and donations from parishioners. Snack items in particular, can be very costly and we are very grateful for any donation of this kind.
In an effort to get the children into the habit of helping those less fortunate than themselves, the Sunday School participates in various humanitarian projects throughout the year. Please encourage your child(ren) to bring a small donation each week which goes toward sponsoring a child in Lebanon. You will be informed of details of other projects as well as special events in our monthly “Sunday School News” bulletin as well as by email. You may check out all the church’s up-to-date info by going to their website at Sunday School always has need of volunteers who can help, particularly with our special events, but even week-to-week. Please let us know when and in what capacity you would be able to help. We pray that all our parents will share their special talents with us and join in the Christian development of the children!
Thank you all for your support and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to me personally or via our Sunday School email, May God bless all of our efforts to pass on our precious faith!
In His love
Joanie Younes
Sunday School Superintendent