“O foremost in the ranks of Apostles, and teachers of the world, Peter and Paul, intercede with the Master of all to grant peace unto the world, and to our souls the Great Mercy.” (APOLYTIKION OF SS. PETER AND PAUL IN TONE FOUR)
Dear members of the vineyard of the Lord at St. George parish,
Praying as per the apolytikion above that the Apostles Peter and Paul may intercede to our Master “to grant peace unto the world, and to our souls the Great Mercy”.
The Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul is celebrated on June 29th. We will move it to Sunday June 28th. Happy Feast Day to our Father and Patriarch John and our Antiochian Patriarchate. Happy Feast Day to all those called by the name Peter and Paul.
An Eventbrite event was created so that you can register to attend Liturgy on Sundays. You should have received an email with the information. You can go to Apple and download the app and look for St. George Liturgy Events, and you can sign up to attend the Liturgy on Sundays.
As you know because of Covid19, we have not been doing collection trays, but you can still bring your envelope with you and place it in the offering box by the candles. You can also send your donation through email at info@stgeorgeantiochianchurch.org, or donate at our website stgeorgeto.org.
We will have a Bible study on Thursday July 2nd at 7:30 PM. Father puts the information usually on the different whatsapps groups at our church.
Congratulations to all the graduates from high schools or universities.
We are resuming baptisms and weddings, please call Father for more information and to schedule an appointment. Father is ready to visit your family or your elderly family members and bring them communion, he is ready to bless your home too, just call him and schedule an appointment.
We are blessed to be members of this ancient Patriarchate of Antioch founded by the Apostles Peter and Paul. The Church is build on the confession of Faith of St. Peter: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Our Patriarchate have kept the Faith of the Apostles for 2100 years, let us pass over the Apostles Faith to our children of St. George, so that they can preserve it and hand it over to their own children.
We believe by being faithful to Christ and the Orthodox Faith our church of St. George will continue to be strong and united and nothing will harm it because our Lord Jesus promised: “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”. Amen.
In Christ,
Rev. Fr. Dr. George Dahdouh, Priest
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church
9116 Bayview Ave.,
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3M9
Office: 905/731-7210, Cell in case of Emergency: 416/937-6301
~Pastor’s Message of June 25, 2020~